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Ambroise Thomas – Hamlet (3 CD box set, FLAC)

Ambroise Thomas - Hamlet (3 CD box set, FLAC)
Ambroise Thomas - Hamlet (3 CD box set, FLAC)

Audio CD
Number of Discs: 3 CD box set
Format: FLAC (image+cue)
Label: EMI Classics
Size: 689 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes

Thomas Hampson (Hamlet)
June Anderson (Ophélie)
Samuel Ramey (Claudius, Roi du Danemark)
Gregory Kunde (Laërte)
Denyce Graves (La Reine Gertrude)
Jean-Philippe Courtis (Le Spectre)
Gérard Garino (Marcellus)
François le Roux (Horatio)
Michel Trempont (Polonius)
Thierry Félix (Premier Fossoyeur)
Jean-Pierre Furlan (Second Fossoyeur)

Ambrosian Opera Chorus
Chorus Master: John McCarthy
The London Philharmonic
Conductor: Antonio de Almeida

Disc: 1
01. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Prelude
02. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 1.: ‘Que nos chants montent jusqu’aux cieux’
03. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 1.: ‘Ô toi qui fus la femme de mon frère’
04. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 1.: ‘Vains regrets! Tendresse éphémère!’
05. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 1.: ‘Monseigneur!’
06. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 1.: ‘Doute de la lumière’
07. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 1.: ‘Salut au prince Hamlet!’
08. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 1.: ‘Nargue de la tristesse’
09. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 2.: Prelude
10. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 2.: ‘Viendra-t-il?’
11. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 2.: ‘Ici, ombre et le deuil’
12. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 2.: ‘Spectre infernal! Image vénérée!’
13. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 2.: ‘Écoute-moi!’
14. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Scene 2.: Entracte
15. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 1.: ‘Sa main depuis hier’
16. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 1.: ‘Les serments ont des ailes’
17. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 1.: ‘Je croyais près de vous trouver nom fils’
18. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 1.: ‘Dans son regard plus sombre’
19. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 1.: ‘L’âme de votre fils est à jamais troublée’

Disc: 2
01. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 1.: ‘Voici les histrions mandés par vous’
02. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 1.: ‘Ô vin, dissipe la tristesse’
03. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 2.: ‘Belle, permettez-nous’
04. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 2.: ‘C’est le vieux Roi Gonzague’
05. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Scene 2.: ‘Ô mortelle offense!’
06. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘J’ai pu frapper le misérable’
07. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Être ou ne pas être’
08. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Mais qui donc ose me suivre’
09. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Je t’implore, ô mon frère’
10. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Allez dans un cloîte, allez, Ophélie’
11. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Hanlet, ma douleur est immense!
12. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Ah! que votre âme sans refuge’
13. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Pardonne, hélas! ta voix m’accable’
14. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 3.: ‘Mon fils!’

Disc: 3
01. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 4.: Entracte
02. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 4.: ‘Voici la riante saison’
03. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 4.: ‘Mais quelle est cette belle et jeune demoiselle’
04. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 4.: ‘Et maintenant écoutez ma chanson’
05. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 4.: ‘Sa raison a fui sans retour’
06. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 4.: ‘Le voilà! Je crois l’entendre’
07. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 5.: ‘Dame ou prince, homme ou femme’
08. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 5.: ‘La fatigue alourdit mes pas’
09. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 5.: ‘Comme une pâle fleur’
10. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 5.: ‘Mais qui marche dans l’ombre?’
11. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 5.: ‘Écoute! Quel est ce bruit de pas?’
12. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Act 5.: ‘Ophélie!… Hamlet!’
13. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Appendices.: ‘Ophélie!… Hamlet!’
14. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Appendices.: ‘L’âme de votre fils est à jamais troublée’
15. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Appendices.: Pantomine
16. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Appendices.: Valse-Mazurka
17. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Appendices.: Scène du bouquet
18. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Appendices.: La Freya
19. Hamlet, opera in 5 acts: Appendices.: Strette finale

Beautiful opera which deserves to be heard

Although Thomas wrote several operas, only Mignon and Hamlet have received any recognition in our time. I have always loved Mignon — a beautifully melodic opera which deserves far more recognition than it receives — so when Hamlet became available on CDs I decided to give it a try. I was very pleased to find that, like Mignon, Hamlet is a true gem, not just “pretty good” but outstandingly melodic throughout. I simply cannot understand how such a beautiful opera as Hamlet (and also Mignon) can be so thoroughly overlooked when other operas which are less beautiful are far more famous.

This performance of Hamlet is particularly outstanding with a superb cast including Thomas Hampson, June Anderson, Samuel Ramey, and Denyce Graves. If you love opera, I beg you to obtain this overlooked masterpiece while it is still available.

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